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Tagged Image File Format  |  1989-04-24  |  189KB  |  2544x3300
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OCR: Macintosh Internal Hard Disks Overview Features Benefits Providing 20 40. 80. OT 160 or 16imcoabvts.ot intrrna Provide For fa1 cmvenient acccss to megabytes of storage capacity storige large Virually daa files climinati pur multiple disk LTA applications apping the Apple Macintosh Internal Hard Disk family is ideally suited Fast . - access: Acesses clata significantly faster than meet the growing needs of 16S -18 milliex OTELS average reek floppy drives. business education professional 0908 -20 millisec cnds average seek and technical users who demand 100 an I millisee onds average wek fast convenicnt, pur reliable 205 68 milliscconds average access [ their r applications and data files. Industry -standard Small Computer Provisles fast LTHNSTiSSIOn (up to Besides providing vastly more Svst ...